Marching Orders Part 1

Message #25 in From Faith to Faith on Romans 12:11-21.   And, as usual, the screen cast.

Rejoice Not

Some of the commands in Scripture sound oppressive sometimes. Take the first and greatest command for instance, “Love the LORD your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your strength.” Really?! Don’t I get a break? What about when I’m disappointed in life or worn down through constant struggle? …

A Strong Tower

One of my cousins is a Jehovah’s Witness. One time, my mom invited me to have coffee with the two of them. I pitched a softball question at Cousin P, “By what name did Jesus teach us to call God?” “Jehovah!” she blurted. “Oh,” I said, “can you tell me where in the Gospels Jesus …

Stop What You’re Doing

Not too long ago, an egotistical brute played on the basest elements of human nature to gain power. Since that time, he’s stomped around recklessly advancing his agenda, authoring oppression and spreading division. But on the horizon, there is hope. Another is coming to dethrone that arrogant hate monger. He’s a justice warrior. He calls …

Blame On!

Watchman Nee, the Chinese house church leader, refused the newly ascended communist regime’s invitation to head their efforts to assimilate Christianity. In retaliation, they published a full page editorial cartoon which depicted a cutaway view of a two story building. On the top story, hapless church members poured their money into a funnel on which …

Motive Matters

In Paul’s day, the church in Rome struggled with disunity over whether Christians could eat meat from animals which had been sacrificed to idols. We might tend to minimize this issue since it’s something that we don’t struggle with, but for diaspora Jews it was deadly serious. They saw themselves as acting in the tradition …