No, Not One

Here is message #6 in From Faith to Faith on Romans 3:1-20.   In case you’d like to see the graphics, click on the link below:

Breaking Through

Here is a great quote from Bonhoeffer’s Life Together: Since the confession of sin is made in the presence of a Christian brother, the last stronghold of self-justification is abandoned. The sinner surrenders; he gives up all his evil. He gives his heart to God, and he finds the forgiveness of all his sin in …

Pleasant Street Glossary

We use some idioms. Here they are together for clarity: 10.2 Prayer Brief – a secure online document which contains the collective prayer requests and praises of our movement. Must have a Google account and lead a Life Team or 10.2 Prayer Meeting to access. 10.2 Prayer Meeting – 2 or more believers committed to …

Let There Be Light!

It’s more than sad that Christians have a reputation for being hypocritical. As the light of the world, Christ came to reveal and to expose. All who come into his light must simultaneously become more authentic and more pure. We can only do this when we believe enough in the potency of his blood to …

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